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Vagina Tightening

 A woman deserves to live a feminine life that is enjoyable, healthy, and gratifying. However, when women go through menopause or childbirth their entire body can change. Thank goodness laser technologies brought the world Femilift but what is Femilift you may ask? The Femilift procedure is an FDA-approved treatment that offers quick benefits to women who are looking to get back into their groove.

What is Femilift?

Femilift is a minimally invasive vaginal regeneration process helping women get back into their intimacy in no time. The Femilift laser treatments use an Alma CO2 laser with 360 degrees rotating probe to assist in vaginal revitalization. The probe is inserted into the vagina to apply this thermal energy. Thermal energy inside the vagina causes the assistance of vaginal mucosa revitalization and gives the vaginal wall tightening and lubricating effect.

This is an FDA-approved device geared to tighten the vagina cavity.

  1. Menopausal women often fear the act of intimacy due to the pain they experience during it and the dryness in the vaginal area adds to the painful experience. Women of all ages shouldn’t have to stop enjoying their sexual relations due to complications.

  2. Those who have gone through natural childbirth also experience a difference in their sexual relations. They experience structural changes in their vaginas such as stretching of their vaginal tissues and experiencing a permanent loss of tone. Due to these structural changes, sexual intercourse for women has a different sensation and makes it unenjoyable.

  3. Another feminine issues a Femilift treatment helps treat is stress urinary incontinence or loss of urine when laughing, sneezing, or coughing. Women shouldn’t have to go through life avoiding laughing due to a loss of urine and Femilift will help you with laughing with confidence again.

These issues can diminish a woman’s confidence and sexual drive but they don’t have to give up yet. Femilift gives women the boost they need to go after the passion they deserve.

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